Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alfred Webre's "Doomsday Extraterrestrial Cube"

According to Alfred Lambremont Webre, elites through their time travel capabilities have already established that 2012 is part of a catastrophic timeline, that they have sought to prepare for the “Doomsday Cube”, as the rest of humanity get unknowingness closer toward demonic “cover story” scenarios like World War III.

First we see that it is similar to a giant mothership and that it will descend from space (Rev. 21:2) The dimensions of this ship are 1,500 miles wide by 1,500 miles long and 1,500 miles high. It's a giant cube (Rev. 21:16). The writers of Star Trek the Next Generation were being prophetic in their visions of the Borg ship when they portrayed it as a giant cube. The inspiration of the Lightbringer; Lucifer, is manifest in their attempts to show humanity the connection between the amorality of collectivism and the New Jerusalem. but no one seems to be listening…until now.