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Friday, February 15, 2013
About Cover-up and Disclosure.
Worried about the Disclosure? You should not. Let me tell you about this.
In fact the Disclosure IS the cover-up.
The powers that be just love to have disclosure fans asking for the confession. Presumably the government(s) and the scientific establishment will say “YES..! It’s true, there are extraterrestrials visiting our planet, and in contact with us…and we have bases in Mars, and there is plenty of life there,” and who knows what else will be revealed.
But the whole game includes also the denial and this denial makes us believe that there are extraterrestrials and this is a secret.
However, this is not so: the disclosure is the cover up, the decoy, the trick.
They want you to believe in UFO as Extraterrestrial artifacts.
They do not want you to make questions that have no answer.
The powers that be want you to have nice dreams, not nightmares. They believe that some things must remain unknown.
So, the establishment wants to go on with the game. Disclosure is not the end of the cover-up.
Disclosure IS the Cover-up.
Tomas Scolarici